Aber Environment and Ethics
Kept and maintained by the Environment and Ethics Officer of the Guild of Students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. All original posts and information provided here are the responsibility of the Environment and Ethics Officer, and are in no way taken to be those of UWA or the Guild of Students.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Jenny Mace; the new Enviro and Ethics (E+E) Guild Officer.
Howdy All !!!!!
Firstly I would like to say (and I'm sure on behalf of you all as well) a big THANK YOU to Nick Chan (the former E+E Officer) and GOODBYE and GOOD LUCK....though I am sure I shall see him via People and Planet events and talks we may request for him to do....as he is now a Campiagn Advocate in the organisation.
Before I go further I would just like to say that I am very committed to this role and will to my absolute best to achieve what I said I would in my manifesto....as well as any other extra things I can manage in the time I have.....this is detailed (as well as commending the university on what it already does (many are new this year; which is marvellous! Now I can do more in my role as some things already done! Yay!) below......
What the university already does:
-at least a few Fair Trade products in all establishments
-a few fair trade products in some vending machines
-we have a fair trade steering group striving to gain 'Fair Trade' status for the university
-use a lot of locally sourced ingredients in the catering outlets
-stock fair trade (as well as normal) hoodies, tshirts (they are actually"organic in conversion too") and some fair trade food in the union shop
-a composter for the catering outlets is being created behind the artscentre
-programmes exist whereby the levels of gas, water, temperature andelectricity are monitored and alarms sound if they go above a certainlevel
-last year the university had a 6 month contracted, part time energysupervisor and it looks promising that the university may employ a fulltime energy supervisor
-there is a waste-wise campaign with the intention of raising awarenessabout the issues of waste and to encourage recycling among students
-public computers can now be (or are in progress to be) switched off overnight
- Information Services Department are to adopt the use of special plugs,that allow all PC peripherals to be turned off when the computer is shutdown
-recycled paper is now used in all printers and by default everything isprinted double sided.
-the new 'Visualisation Building' has lights that go on when somebodyenters a room and turn off when someone leaves a room-a corn starch, biodegradable cup is to be used in some catering outlets
-water is being saved by an automatic flushing system
-there is now an easy recycling system in place in every halls ofresidence; including Brynderew and Sea Front. Students are supplied withlilac recycling bags in which they can place plastics, cardboard and tinsetc....glass can be recycled in the glass recycling banks dotted aroundcampus and town.
-the swimming pool now has new environmentally fridnly lights, theventilating system has been changed to reduce heat losses, there is newlining that reduces leakages, there are new windows offering improvedinsulation and there is a pool cover, which helps to save water and mainly heat
What I hope to achieve:
-increase the number of environmental and ethics guild officers
-'all-waste composters' to be present in every university flat
-many university clubs and societies using fairtrade and organichoodies/tshirts
-as many departments as possible to be using reycled paper/paper from asustainable source
-catering outlets to offer an organic meal choice
-all catering outlets to be using takeaway packaging and cutlery made frombiodegradable corn starch
-for Brynderew residents not to have to go to Sea Front Residencereception in order to obtain more lilac recycling bags
-progress on People and Planet's Go Green campaign
-supporting the People andPlanet Society in gaining Fair Trade Status for the university.
-as well as much much more if time allows!
I shall be updating this site now and then......if you would like more info before it is updated or would like to ask me questions/get involved and help me, please do not hesitate to contact me!
You shall receive a very quick answer!
Ok everyone......make most out of life til next time! I Plan to update at the end of next week after some key meetings.