Aber Environment and Ethics

Kept and maintained by the Environment and Ethics Officer of the Guild of Students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. All original posts and information provided here are the responsibility of the Environment and Ethics Officer, and are in no way taken to be those of UWA or the Guild of Students.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

To Brussels by Bike

To drive up (no pun intended) support and public awareness for his proposals for carbon trading as a way of addressing climate change - snappily summed up as Cap and Share - Dr. Will Howard, (who earlier this year came to speak at a People & Planet meeting) is travelling from his home in Machynlleth to the EU Commission in Brussels to lobby European Union officials on the ideas behind the scheme.

While it is an electric bike, which provides the user with peddling assistance, 500 miles is still a bit of a long way to be travelling at 15mph.

"The first message really is who has the right to have the emission permits, because at the moment they're being given to the big companies.

"What I'll be saying is in fact, they should be given to citizens. The government's got no right to give away our emission rights."


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