Aber Environment and Ethics

Kept and maintained by the Environment and Ethics Officer of the Guild of Students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. All original posts and information provided here are the responsibility of the Environment and Ethics Officer, and are in no way taken to be those of UWA or the Guild of Students.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Fairtrade Status at Aber

I'm pleased to report that several other students are making headway with the campaign to achieve Fairtrade status for UWA, with the first Fairtrade steering group meeting in the last week of March. Regular steering group meetings are a required element of Fairtrade status, in helping to guide the further availability and awareness of Fairtrade on the university campus.

The other criteria are:
- A Fairtrade policy - there is one for the Guild of Students but not for the university.
- Fairtrade products available in all shops - chocolate bars are available in the student union shop, all coffee, tea and hot chocolate served in the student union is Fairtrade, and the same is available at university catering outlets.
- Fairtrade tea/coffee served at all university and student union meetings - which is only currently true for the Geography department and the student union, as far as we are aware.
- A commitment to campaign on Fairtrade - which People and Planet are leading on.

The main people to contact regarding our local campaign are Charlotte cel4[at]aber.ac.uk and Robin rsl5[at]aber.ac.uk. There will be another steering group meeting later in the year in early May.

50 other universities in the UK have achieved Fairtrade status, with staff and students working together to achieve common aims, and we will hopefully join them soon!


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