Aber Environment and Ethics

Kept and maintained by the Environment and Ethics Officer of the Guild of Students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. All original posts and information provided here are the responsibility of the Environment and Ethics Officer, and are in no way taken to be those of UWA or the Guild of Students.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lights Out!

An inspiring symbolic example of action against climate change has been taken by Sydney, Australia - dimming the lights in the city for an hour to raise awareness of climate change!

This action included both offices, public buildings (Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House), restaurants and hotels, and homes and apartments. Impressive for a coordinated effort across a city of 4million! A similar action was undertaken in various European cities and towns in February, including some bars here in Aberystwyth. While some might dismiss this as a gimmick, this kind of action is crucial to reminding people, especially the 'unconverted', of the urgency of taking steps towards cutting carbon emissions, and has its own practical effect too!

What's the simplest action that you can take to prevent climate change - switch it off!


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