Aber Environment and Ethics

Kept and maintained by the Environment and Ethics Officer of the Guild of Students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. All original posts and information provided here are the responsibility of the Environment and Ethics Officer, and are in no way taken to be those of UWA or the Guild of Students.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Environmental Sustainability website

A link to a site developed by UWA staff on environmental sustainability, tips and best practice! Heaps of information - and locally relevant too...


Sunday, May 21, 2006

DFID Development Aid contributes to Climate Change!

Shockingly, the UK Government is contributing to climate change through aid money earmarked for poverty reduction.

Development aid is being used to support the international oil industry. This feeds the oil addiction of the North, generates profit forsome of the richest companies in the world and contributes to grevious local environmental and social problems.

Take action and write to your MP now!!! - http://peopleandplanet.org/navid2255

From People and Planet

Copy Shop Paper

To get the information stream going...

Union Shop Copy Shop Paper - FSC Certified!

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is the international certification body which guarantees that the paper comes from sustainably-managed forests. In this case, the manufacturers of our paper (Suzano Bahia Sul Papel e Celulose SA,Brazil) have an FSC COC Certificate, code SW-COC-1388.

Chain of custody [COC] certification provides a guarantee about theproduction of FSC-certified products. Chain-of-custody is the path taken by raw materials from the forest to the consumer, including all successivestages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution. http://www.fsc.org/en/about/about_fsc/certification

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Welcome! Croeso!

Hello, and welcome to the blog for the Aber Guild of Students' Environment and Ethics Officer.

In striving to make my work as transparent and accessible to all, I will do my best to post campaign aims, successes, updates and progress here on how to make our University more sustainable and ethical.

I'll also be keeping a news journal of links to interesting articles, and to campaigning beyond the University - whether it be elsewhere in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, the UK - or on the global level, from various NGOs involved in making a better world possible.

Please let me know of anything that would be of use, ideas to take up, things to press forward on - and especially if you want to join in!!!