Aber Environment and Ethics

Kept and maintained by the Environment and Ethics Officer of the Guild of Students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. All original posts and information provided here are the responsibility of the Environment and Ethics Officer, and are in no way taken to be those of UWA or the Guild of Students.

Monday, January 29, 2007

How to save the planet by living in private housing...

The booklets released this week by Residential and Hospitality Services include a short section that I had added on things to consider when choosing your house in the private sector. I had initially hoped to be able to say a few words at the information sessions that RHS were having later this week about ways to save energy and save money, but this was turned down as the agenda for those meetings was already full enough.

Still, including this text in the booklet itself is an important step forward to raising awareness of environmental issues (save the planet and save money at the same time - it is surprising how fast bills can rocket in a poorly-insulated house). I've reproduced the text here below...
How to save the planet by going into private housing…

So you’re moving in with a few mates into a house or flat – how can you save money and cut down on bills – and do a few good things for the environment too?

Ask your potential landlord about these – how green is your house?
Don’t miss out on the chance to save money and keep those bills low!

1. How well-insulated is your house?
o Carpeting? Loft insulation (heat doesn’t go straight through the roof)? Hot water tank lagging (keeps the water hot)? Curtains (keeps the heat in at night)? Door sweepers, double-glazed windows and letter-box flaps (keep out cold draughts)? Why spend money on heat that just goes to waste and leaks out through the walls and windows??

2. Does the house come with low-energy lightbulbs?
o Compact fluorescent lightbulbs use 60-70% less energy than conventional incandescent lightbulbs – and last up to eight times longer!

3. How is your house heated?
o What kind of boiler? A condensing boiler can cut a third off your bill!
o Are there thermostat controls? Turning the heat down by 1˚C can save up to £30 a year!

4. Are there meters?
o Can you track your electricity and water consumption easily so you can see how much power and water you are using?

5. Can your electricity supply go green?
o Ask if you can decide who you want to supply your electricity – then choose a ‘green energy supplier’ so that your power is generated from renewable energy. It still all comes through the grid, just like normal – except it doesn’t come from dirty coal power plants and it doesn’t always cost more! For example: Ecotricity and Good Energy

Cut Carbon Emissions* – You can do it too!
*Housing accounts for 30% of carbon emissions – keeping your house as well-insulated and energy efficient as possible will make a difference to tackling climate change!


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